Change is constant but suffering is optional, come talk to me!
Brief therapy to become a better happier you. Counseling is about becoming and recovering. Do you want to continue living in the past and doing what doesn't work? Do you want to get rid of the old ways or ideas and learn something new? Come talk to me.
Let's edit your interpretation of your life story. Are you the victim, the hero or the survivor? Let me help you learn from the bad stuff and remove the negative messaging in your head. INternal recordings about our self-worth come from the environment and your own head. Others who were supposed to love us taught us that.God did not create us to be perfect.
Cognitive Behavior Therapy is a method to weaken the negative messaging and to break the habits that are reinforced by criticism or sad experiences. YOu can learn to overcome. Let me get you on the road to overcoming.
Teletherapy is available. Maybe you want to plan for the future and need to talk things out. Downloading Zoom is free. Get in your comfy clothes and come talk to me from the safety of home! You may be even more relaxed and open up more easily. Come talk to me.
Contact your insurance and ask about your mental health benefits. Knowing your carrier is mutually beneficial.
Despair and pressure may not have been present before COVID 19. Now you may feel depressed or worried. I can help. Come talk to me. Zoom sessions are available day or night. Open your heart, mind and mouth. Commit. A short term commitment gets results.
Interruptions make measuring progress harder. When you stop coming to therapy, you could be too focused on other things and not your problems! That's great! Or your problems are solved. How do you know? Together we can set up criteria for improvement.
What are you doing when you are dwelling on your problems or experiencing new problems? A clinician can provide the objectivity to see the changes you are making. You the customer can set the pace. Make a commitment to self-improvement. Come talk to me.
If you want to improve your life, defeat depression, keep your spouse or convince your boss you deserve a raise it takes more than one hour a week with a therapist. It takes time outside a counselor's office or the boardroom to get your emotional and career goals met. During your time with me we'll talk, I will analyze and I will cheer. OUtside of therapy you got to do your homework, talk to somebody, reflect and demonstrate a willingness to change. Showing up is getting your money's work. Applying what I teach you in therapy becomes a lifetime habit. Come talk to me!
It is also essential not to take things too personally when someone disappoints you or disparages you. Bullying comes in many forms Criticism, insults and truth are hurtful. Whose truth are you going to believe? Whose tune are you going to follow. Sometimes what a bully says is bull. Dealing withe the ramifications of being hurt is part of emotional resiliency. Online retaliation is permanent. Free speech doesn't give free reign to say whatever whenever no matter what at any age.
BOundaries don't merely separate landmass they also divide and unify individuals. Want to learn more about unity, come talk to me!
Miryam Mejia, LMFT 51905
Crossroads Counseling
801 Lighthouse Ave Ste 212
Monterey, CA 93940
Phone 831-240-8728
Calls preferred - adults only, grown kids using mom's insurance must call themselves please
How do I make an appointment?
Set up your voicemail to receive messages.
Make a call and share the details of your current life and the life you'd like to have. Everyone has expectations. Tell me yours!
HOurs by appointment only evenings or WEEKENDS - great for healthcare providers, part-timers anyone off during the week. --- Appointment time is flexible using ZOOM. Video calls in the age of COVID are encouraged. Download Zoom today.
Q: Where do I find a therapist?
A: Shopping online is a way to find a provider. Going to your insurance's provider list is also helpful. Providing as much information as possible in an online contact form saves time. Showing some vulnerability also demonstrates interest in the pursuit of healing or change. I am old fashioned I call the insurance panel or phone book. Accuracy of online info is usually questionable. PIcking your own is smarter. Many folks have an insurance provider make the calls. Casemanager will get availability and location. They don't get the details to match you with a clinician who will heal your heart.
The insurer's job is to find people from your list of providers so they and you dont' have to pay more. They'll do it based on speciality, your schedule, language preference and other preferences partially established by you the member. A therapist's job is to give out time slots. We don't have to keep them open. It's helpful to followup on the referrals given by insurers.
QBut Miryam what if I don't get better in 10 sessions or less?
A: No biggie. Some people take longer. Were you measuring the right condition? Some stuff you don't get over.
Q: Did you apply some or any of the interventions given? Did you put time into healing activities outside of therapy?
A: Why not? How do you expect to learn anything if you don't practice what is taught in session?
Q: How long does it take to learn a new habit?
A: The brain can always learn new things. A better question is how much time was spent attempting to learn the new behavior.
FOr more tips on better living, call Miryam today.
Q How do you deal with suicide?
A: I will encourage you not to do it. Over the phone I'll urge to get to the ER or call 911. In a session I'd be willing and legally bound to call 911, if I can't defuse the situation. I would have you sign a safety contract in between sessions to protect you from you. This includes the names of friends who can help you, should you choose not to call me. LIfe is hard. Everyone was to escape sometimes. Keep talking to me or somebody. As a therapist I would document my efforts to protect you from yourself.
Q: Why is it important to stay in touch with Miryam?
A: When you start counseling with me i am agreeing to keep in touch with calls and email. I am making myself available to advise and console in additional to the hourlong visits. When you are unresponsive by phone nad email I assume you have lost interest. Society is self-absorbed. Counseling is about self-improvement. Your employer who offers EAP sessions for free as your benefit package is more generous with how long the authorization lasts. Skipping sessions or dropping out is like skipping a workout. Gains made may or may not be lost. A commitment to therapy is a commitment to yourself.
Q: How do I deal with rejection? : A person who refuses to do what you need or want needs to take care of themselves before than can give to someone else. Ask for a rain check. Say I can do this at this time. LImitsetting is good for you. Give yourself permission to refuse. Ignore those who dwell on the hurt and disappointment. A new day is another chance to get your needs met.
Q: How long do I have to set an appointment, if I have an authorization?
A: Preapproval of services is vital for coverage. You want someone else to pay, it has to be valid before the date of service. Assuming you get a referral and an authorization I will wait at most a week. . Usually insurance require me to wait five business days.
Insurers don't expect time slots to be held.
Q Why shouldn't my spouse or parent or the matchmaker do the research for me?
He or she won't be on my couch. You two are differently people. I'd like to hear the story from its author, that is you. Do you want to set the agenda or do you want to be what your parent or spouse needs you to be?
Q: Do you treat people who don't self refer differently?
A: Customers sometimes rely on someone else to find a therapist. Once you have the info from your carrier make the appointment while info is fresh and the stress apparent. Call quickly and interrogate me all you want.
Q: What's needed to get an authorization?
A: Describe the service you want, give your name and date of birth. If we ever talked then you can give out my name and professional info. Getting the authorization is preferred prior to meeting in person. If I meet with you without that info;billing is much more complicated.
Q How do I deal with customer complaints
A Tell me in person. I may learn something. It will give you closure. If you have a bad experience and I hear about weeks or months later, then my memory may be a little fuzzy. Complaining is validation. Go for it!
Q How do you deal with online reviews?
A I won't ask for them.
Bad reviews - it takes courage to complain. Leaving your comments online is permanent. They'll be there long after you moved on. Strongly worded reviews are impulsive, reactionary and permanent. There are limits to free speech. NOnetheless you have a right to malign me as you wish. Next tie you leave a bad review, think would you make those comments about her manicurist, physician, kid's teacher or CPA. Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words do sting.
Q: Why did you give homework?
A: IN between session assignments are for you to internalize new ideas and rehearse new behaviors. How do you want to know therapy is working?
Q: What do I do if I lost my insurance or don't tell you what I got?
A: Cash - $110 or best offer. I won't initiate the negotiation. Lowest is about $75 based on the average reimbursement from from insurance and EAPs. Insurance lapses aren't the end the world. Sometimes there's a grace period. The ACA marketplace is available all the time.
Know your benefits is a responsibility and a gift.
Q: What if I won't talk about fees or think I have no money?
A: Healing your heart doesn't have to break the bank. I will bring up fees first, if you don't it's both legally and ethically important for you to know. If I bring it up, it appears gauche. Wouldn't you rather know?
Q: In person or some other platform like Betterhelp/Talkspace?
A: If you'd like a paid friend and can pay hundreds on a monthly basis go for it. The online platforms reach the masses through texts and chatrooms. Help is out there. Before the internet there were phone calls. Talk/text or chat with CalHope
Q Where can I find help for my child?
A Mental fitness or awareness is as important as fruit and veggies. For more info
Q: What biases do you have?
A: Everyone has biases on many subjects. When you meet me i have no interest in convincing you that a certain course of action is better than another. You'll be asked questions to arrive at your own decision.
Let's edit your interpretation of your life story. Are you the victim, the hero or the survivor? Let me help you learn from the bad stuff and remove the negative messaging in your head. INternal recordings about our self-worth come from the environment and your own head. Others who were supposed to love us taught us that.God did not create us to be perfect.
Cognitive Behavior Therapy is a method to weaken the negative messaging and to break the habits that are reinforced by criticism or sad experiences. YOu can learn to overcome. Let me get you on the road to overcoming.
Teletherapy is available. Maybe you want to plan for the future and need to talk things out. Downloading Zoom is free. Get in your comfy clothes and come talk to me from the safety of home! You may be even more relaxed and open up more easily. Come talk to me.
Contact your insurance and ask about your mental health benefits. Knowing your carrier is mutually beneficial.
Despair and pressure may not have been present before COVID 19. Now you may feel depressed or worried. I can help. Come talk to me. Zoom sessions are available day or night. Open your heart, mind and mouth. Commit. A short term commitment gets results.
Interruptions make measuring progress harder. When you stop coming to therapy, you could be too focused on other things and not your problems! That's great! Or your problems are solved. How do you know? Together we can set up criteria for improvement.
What are you doing when you are dwelling on your problems or experiencing new problems? A clinician can provide the objectivity to see the changes you are making. You the customer can set the pace. Make a commitment to self-improvement. Come talk to me.
If you want to improve your life, defeat depression, keep your spouse or convince your boss you deserve a raise it takes more than one hour a week with a therapist. It takes time outside a counselor's office or the boardroom to get your emotional and career goals met. During your time with me we'll talk, I will analyze and I will cheer. OUtside of therapy you got to do your homework, talk to somebody, reflect and demonstrate a willingness to change. Showing up is getting your money's work. Applying what I teach you in therapy becomes a lifetime habit. Come talk to me!
It is also essential not to take things too personally when someone disappoints you or disparages you. Bullying comes in many forms Criticism, insults and truth are hurtful. Whose truth are you going to believe? Whose tune are you going to follow. Sometimes what a bully says is bull. Dealing withe the ramifications of being hurt is part of emotional resiliency. Online retaliation is permanent. Free speech doesn't give free reign to say whatever whenever no matter what at any age.
BOundaries don't merely separate landmass they also divide and unify individuals. Want to learn more about unity, come talk to me!
Miryam Mejia, LMFT 51905
Crossroads Counseling
801 Lighthouse Ave Ste 212
Monterey, CA 93940
Phone 831-240-8728
Calls preferred - adults only, grown kids using mom's insurance must call themselves please
How do I make an appointment?
Set up your voicemail to receive messages.
Make a call and share the details of your current life and the life you'd like to have. Everyone has expectations. Tell me yours!
HOurs by appointment only evenings or WEEKENDS - great for healthcare providers, part-timers anyone off during the week. --- Appointment time is flexible using ZOOM. Video calls in the age of COVID are encouraged. Download Zoom today.
Q: Where do I find a therapist?
A: Shopping online is a way to find a provider. Going to your insurance's provider list is also helpful. Providing as much information as possible in an online contact form saves time. Showing some vulnerability also demonstrates interest in the pursuit of healing or change. I am old fashioned I call the insurance panel or phone book. Accuracy of online info is usually questionable. PIcking your own is smarter. Many folks have an insurance provider make the calls. Casemanager will get availability and location. They don't get the details to match you with a clinician who will heal your heart.
The insurer's job is to find people from your list of providers so they and you dont' have to pay more. They'll do it based on speciality, your schedule, language preference and other preferences partially established by you the member. A therapist's job is to give out time slots. We don't have to keep them open. It's helpful to followup on the referrals given by insurers.
QBut Miryam what if I don't get better in 10 sessions or less?
A: No biggie. Some people take longer. Were you measuring the right condition? Some stuff you don't get over.
Q: Did you apply some or any of the interventions given? Did you put time into healing activities outside of therapy?
A: Why not? How do you expect to learn anything if you don't practice what is taught in session?
Q: How long does it take to learn a new habit?
A: The brain can always learn new things. A better question is how much time was spent attempting to learn the new behavior.
FOr more tips on better living, call Miryam today.
Q How do you deal with suicide?
A: I will encourage you not to do it. Over the phone I'll urge to get to the ER or call 911. In a session I'd be willing and legally bound to call 911, if I can't defuse the situation. I would have you sign a safety contract in between sessions to protect you from you. This includes the names of friends who can help you, should you choose not to call me. LIfe is hard. Everyone was to escape sometimes. Keep talking to me or somebody. As a therapist I would document my efforts to protect you from yourself.
Q: Why is it important to stay in touch with Miryam?
A: When you start counseling with me i am agreeing to keep in touch with calls and email. I am making myself available to advise and console in additional to the hourlong visits. When you are unresponsive by phone nad email I assume you have lost interest. Society is self-absorbed. Counseling is about self-improvement. Your employer who offers EAP sessions for free as your benefit package is more generous with how long the authorization lasts. Skipping sessions or dropping out is like skipping a workout. Gains made may or may not be lost. A commitment to therapy is a commitment to yourself.
Q: How do I deal with rejection? : A person who refuses to do what you need or want needs to take care of themselves before than can give to someone else. Ask for a rain check. Say I can do this at this time. LImitsetting is good for you. Give yourself permission to refuse. Ignore those who dwell on the hurt and disappointment. A new day is another chance to get your needs met.
Q: How long do I have to set an appointment, if I have an authorization?
A: Preapproval of services is vital for coverage. You want someone else to pay, it has to be valid before the date of service. Assuming you get a referral and an authorization I will wait at most a week. . Usually insurance require me to wait five business days.
Insurers don't expect time slots to be held.
Q Why shouldn't my spouse or parent or the matchmaker do the research for me?
He or she won't be on my couch. You two are differently people. I'd like to hear the story from its author, that is you. Do you want to set the agenda or do you want to be what your parent or spouse needs you to be?
Q: Do you treat people who don't self refer differently?
A: Customers sometimes rely on someone else to find a therapist. Once you have the info from your carrier make the appointment while info is fresh and the stress apparent. Call quickly and interrogate me all you want.
Q: What's needed to get an authorization?
A: Describe the service you want, give your name and date of birth. If we ever talked then you can give out my name and professional info. Getting the authorization is preferred prior to meeting in person. If I meet with you without that info;billing is much more complicated.
Q How do I deal with customer complaints
A Tell me in person. I may learn something. It will give you closure. If you have a bad experience and I hear about weeks or months later, then my memory may be a little fuzzy. Complaining is validation. Go for it!
Q How do you deal with online reviews?
A I won't ask for them.
Bad reviews - it takes courage to complain. Leaving your comments online is permanent. They'll be there long after you moved on. Strongly worded reviews are impulsive, reactionary and permanent. There are limits to free speech. NOnetheless you have a right to malign me as you wish. Next tie you leave a bad review, think would you make those comments about her manicurist, physician, kid's teacher or CPA. Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words do sting.
Q: Why did you give homework?
A: IN between session assignments are for you to internalize new ideas and rehearse new behaviors. How do you want to know therapy is working?
Q: What do I do if I lost my insurance or don't tell you what I got?
A: Cash - $110 or best offer. I won't initiate the negotiation. Lowest is about $75 based on the average reimbursement from from insurance and EAPs. Insurance lapses aren't the end the world. Sometimes there's a grace period. The ACA marketplace is available all the time.
Know your benefits is a responsibility and a gift.
Q: What if I won't talk about fees or think I have no money?
A: Healing your heart doesn't have to break the bank. I will bring up fees first, if you don't it's both legally and ethically important for you to know. If I bring it up, it appears gauche. Wouldn't you rather know?
Q: In person or some other platform like Betterhelp/Talkspace?
A: If you'd like a paid friend and can pay hundreds on a monthly basis go for it. The online platforms reach the masses through texts and chatrooms. Help is out there. Before the internet there were phone calls. Talk/text or chat with CalHope
Q Where can I find help for my child?
A Mental fitness or awareness is as important as fruit and veggies. For more info
Q: What biases do you have?
A: Everyone has biases on many subjects. When you meet me i have no interest in convincing you that a certain course of action is better than another. You'll be asked questions to arrive at your own decision.
"Welcome! Each new day brings a host of possibilities, allow me the privilege to assist you live more contentedly. . Want to change your life? Change what you are doing. I can help. It is in your power to create and destroy. LEt's destroy the negative and create something good in a short time.Gain insight and skills. YOur heart and head are linked to your moods and actions. Being in therapy means learning truths about self and human nature. You could know yourself and life yourself alot. THen come to therapy when something turns ugly. But sometimes the explanations for why others treat you badly are ugly.Can you handle it? Others' bad behavior doesn't mean you are ugly or done, but you may be impacted by others' ugliness. I will tell you some guesses on the why of others' behavior. Where you fit in will be a hypothesis. Agree or disagree, it will be information. Let me know what you can handle. Some huts don't fit the short term model. When I explain others' ugliness like codependence I'll tell you that his could be long term work. I can help you get on the round to recovery from emotional hurt.
Yes, brief therapy with me entails another possible loss. However with CBT I can get you to scratch the surface of the negative thinking that can result from lack of love or sharing yourself with an addict.
Leave me a detailed message describing your complaints about life, yourself or others. People minimize using the worse just. That is false. YOu wouldn't be calling, if you didn't need support! Let's keep it real. Thoroughness and heavy detail will guide me deciding my fitness for helping you.
Some people need intensive prolonged therapy for old wounds that isn't me. KNowing my expectations will make both our lives easier. No-free consult - Leave a detailed message on my voicemail
Want to save a dime? Leave at least your name, phone, insurance info a description of the the solvable problem. Then I"ll call and text you.
Steps for an appointment.
- call me and play phone tag until we connect.check your texts. Call screening helps in the age of spammers, scams and cheats.
- Then exchange email addresses with me through text or a phone call. I won't wait more than seven days from an initial contact for follow up. I return calls and email promptly. I expect you to do the same. Call this training in respect and communication.
- Reply to my email. Ask any questions through email. Exchanging info will help you decide on if you want this service from me. I am good and I can help you change your life.
- CHeck your own insurance benefits. SOme programs require an authorization that can be a long string of numbers. Claims' processors look for that authorization number to indicate preapproval for the services. It is your responsibility to get that number. With this number you get the service, you MAY not have to pay and I will be able to bill for the session. Once you decide you want help call your carrier or EAP immediately to tell them you and I set something up. Then share that authorization code with me.
- Show up on the day of your appointment with the paperwork done that would have been sent by email.
- Send paperwork ahead through email. Become proficient with your computer or get someone to help you.
Finance and Informed Consent1 Prior to rendering services, provide clients with disclosures regarding fees for services as required by law and ethical standards.
The BBS requires therapists to disclose to a client or prospective client, prior to the commencement of treatment, the fee to be charged for the professional services, or the basis upon which that fee will be computed.1 Furthermore, Section 9.3 of the CAMFT Code of Ethics states, “Marriage and Family Therapists disclose, in advance, their fees and the basis upon which they are computed, including, but not limited to, charges for canceled or missed appointments and any interest to be charged on unpaid balances, at the beginning of treatment and give reasonable notice of any changes in fees or other charges.”
Although not legally required, it is recommended that fee disclosures be written. Your policies regarding fees may be presented in your Disclosure of Services Statement, Informed Consent Form or a separate fee agreement, which the client acknowledges and signs. The disclosure should include your usual and customary fee; how fees may be raised; information regarding insurance billing; policies on fees for cancellation and missed sessions; and acceptable forms of payment. This ensures clients are fully aware of your fees and any policies concerning fees.
Be clear about your fee-related policies. If you provide the disclosures in writing, make sure you take the time to discuss each policy with the client, especially policies regarding charges for missed and canceled sessions
- Most insurances accepted -- CALL YOUR INSURANCE BEFORE CALLING ME - check your list twice = Check your own benefits as about CPT code 90834, 90837 = " Outpatient mental health" and "teletherapy" IT's your money. Find out how to best use it.
- Call your HR department use the freebies available through your EAP
- Now accepting ESI an Employee Assistance program attention MVP Staffing
- Blue Cross - employees of Robert Louis Stevenson School, Pebble Beach Company, sheriff's department, probation, Trader Joe's CSUMB, Verizon
- CalPers
- Anthem Blue Cross SISC attention Trader Joe's Employees
- Aetna EAP and Medical - Attention Walmart employees, Satellite Dialysis employees or employees of the Salvation Army, Bank of AMerica and USPS & Costco staff
- Magellan aka Blue Shield check the 1800 number it is different that regular BS of California attention Monterey Bay Aquarium employees, Clinica de Salud employees
- Blue Shield - Attention some MCSIG employees, Tanimura and Antle Employees, teachers, city of Soledad employees, postal workers in Hollister
- The Holman Group - Attention Seneca, Tanimura and Antle employees, Veggie Growers Supply Company, attention out of towners in California - accessible services over ZOOM
- UBH/ OPtum -- Attention employees of SEneca,Taylor Farms, Monterey Rape Crisis Center and Salud Para La Gente clinic employees attention out of towners in California - accessible services over ZOOM
- OON for Medicare - out of network - don't take it, let's negotiate
- OON dual eligibles - out of network - don't take it, let's negotiate
- Don't take MEDi-cal/Beacon or Medicaid
- NX Health Network - attention MOnterey Mushroom, Dole and Schneid Vineyard Employees
- Well Call – Health Advocate EAP
- Delta - third party administrator for most insurance programs Anthem BLue Cross
- GEHA - third party administrator for Optum/UBH
- Western Grower's Association -third party administrator for most insurance programs - Atten Mann's Packing
- United Ag third party administrator for Blue Shield
- LIfeServices EAP
- Coastal Third Party Administrator for SVMH employees (Blue Cross) & DOctors on Duty clinics
- Pebble Beach Company (Anthem BC)
- Health Comp (Blue Shield)
- Health Advocate EAP
- Magellan - attention Nissan employees
3 Forms of payment accepted: Zelle works too.Cash or check NO PLASTIC - late cancellations and now-shows are billed at $110
4) Out of Network - get an invoice