Miryam (planner, seeker, counselor)
There are so many reasons to feel rushed. You’re running out the door and late for work. You have a last burst of energy to finish that workout. Sometimes a person wants a happy event to happen or praying for an ordeal to end quickly. What if we lingered in today?
Off and on in my life things didn’t go as planned. I finished elementary school and high school within the traditional timeframe. After that everything else was at my own pace. Being rushed to complete a goal like my degree was a big part of my past. In real life people feel rushed for lots of reasons. Maybe a person is living by someone else’s rules, maybe a person is living on someone else’s goals or maybe a person has expectations set high.
I attended college sporadically during my twenties and thirties till I got my degrees because I was ill. Though I had neurological and emotional conditions that got in my way, I was living under the pressure to perform. Those expectations of wanting to have a job that paid, so I could live on my own and stop being a kid were top priorities.
Getting through college is just one example where pacing is actually irrelevant. Yet we push ourselves to “hurry up” , to do more and then stress ourselves out. Why do we do it? Competition. Do you want to be part of that race? Do you want win in that race? Then why not follow a new rule book.
Succeeding in my life has meant making up my own rules, defining my own success and decent time management skills. Where to begin is tough. A good start is writing your desires down. During your waking hours: you’ll probably want to eat at least once, you’ll probably have to prepare the food and you’ll probably want groom yourself and take bathroom breaks. Other than that what do you want to accomplishment today? Start small. What is important to you? Are you eager for a workout? Do you need ingredients for a recipe. You’re probably wondering how to decide.
Every day we can choose to live for ourselves or others with whom we are in relationship. A wife may routinely get groceries because some items, the husband simply can’t see. But before considering others it is necessary to look at your physical and emotional needs so that you can do those other things for others.
Sleep, hygiene and exercise provide me with the energy to get things done. While I was attending college I avoided flareups in my condition by scheduling periods of rest, eating every couple of hours and getting some exercise. Rushing to something or through something never resulted in a good product. When you’re trying to be productive and successful don’t you want quality?
For quality the quantity of tasks can’t be excessive. Besides who are you in a hurry to please? When you go to bed at night reviewing your day, it would be ideal to feel happy and eager for the next day. Dreading tomorrow or feeling like you failed today means your priorities may need a tuneup. Knowing your motivation and honoring its genuineness to you or validity for today will aid feeling fulfilled and successful most days.
Live your life your way share it with others.