For those movie watchers and readers out there.....
Do you read or watch a movie to escape or to find something relevant to your situation? For a couple of hours or couple of pages finding someone like you can feel very good. Books, movies and tv shows have characters that are adventurers, looking for love or trying to grow up. Those themes are universal.
If you haven't found love or the perfect career than can result in anxiety, depression and or something worse. So who are you? Are you "Nancy Drew" an inquisitive clever person who gets things done and is popular? Or are do you relate more to the array of characters in "Harry Potter"?
The professors in Harry Potter were one teens who didn't have it all together. Now as adults though they all practice magic. There is a hierarchy at Hogwarts. Have you noticed who the favorite professors are?
All of us are on the same journey to stay alive, earn money to live and have fun and to connect wiht others. Do you have difficulty connecting with others? I sure do. Compassion may start with a smile, but then a person has to open their mouth. In the age of social media and texting practically everyone sometimes avoids conversation. That is sad.
Going the extra mile of texting, calling and email are all good methods to cover your bases. It isn't being needy to be persistent. Do you wonder if you are too desperate or too withdrawn? Thinking in terms of excesses or acting exaggerated takes lots of energy. The doubt prompted by how should one behave causes lots of anxiety and depression in others, because people are meant to get along. Yes, there is a lot of cruelty in the world. But you don't have to be everyone's best friend.
The "Harry Potter" cast of kids were a genial cohort who bonded over a common interest temporarily. Who knows it they'd be besties as adults. In the moment practice kindness and don't go looking for a bestie.
Inside we are all trying to become happier people if not better people. A smart way to become happier is to look in the mirror and say "THANK YOU FOR WHAT". Starting the day with "poor me" may not get you very far.
I am Snape, Dumbledore and McGonogal rolled into one! I got practical advice, I've experienced disappointment and I got humor. Without the bad you can't appreciate the good as fast. Want to get further in your wellness journey, come talk to me.
Do you read or watch a movie to escape or to find something relevant to your situation? For a couple of hours or couple of pages finding someone like you can feel very good. Books, movies and tv shows have characters that are adventurers, looking for love or trying to grow up. Those themes are universal.
If you haven't found love or the perfect career than can result in anxiety, depression and or something worse. So who are you? Are you "Nancy Drew" an inquisitive clever person who gets things done and is popular? Or are do you relate more to the array of characters in "Harry Potter"?
The professors in Harry Potter were one teens who didn't have it all together. Now as adults though they all practice magic. There is a hierarchy at Hogwarts. Have you noticed who the favorite professors are?
All of us are on the same journey to stay alive, earn money to live and have fun and to connect wiht others. Do you have difficulty connecting with others? I sure do. Compassion may start with a smile, but then a person has to open their mouth. In the age of social media and texting practically everyone sometimes avoids conversation. That is sad.
Going the extra mile of texting, calling and email are all good methods to cover your bases. It isn't being needy to be persistent. Do you wonder if you are too desperate or too withdrawn? Thinking in terms of excesses or acting exaggerated takes lots of energy. The doubt prompted by how should one behave causes lots of anxiety and depression in others, because people are meant to get along. Yes, there is a lot of cruelty in the world. But you don't have to be everyone's best friend.
The "Harry Potter" cast of kids were a genial cohort who bonded over a common interest temporarily. Who knows it they'd be besties as adults. In the moment practice kindness and don't go looking for a bestie.
Inside we are all trying to become happier people if not better people. A smart way to become happier is to look in the mirror and say "THANK YOU FOR WHAT". Starting the day with "poor me" may not get you very far.
I am Snape, Dumbledore and McGonogal rolled into one! I got practical advice, I've experienced disappointment and I got humor. Without the bad you can't appreciate the good as fast. Want to get further in your wellness journey, come talk to me.