I don't wear my heart on my sleeve, but I have one.
Experiences can make us afraid to try and fear rejection. I don't.
I've been in a hospital bed, i've been next to a bedside, I've had lost and I've overcome being excessively sheltered. I've also not been hired for a job.
Endurance takes savvy, courage and kindness. Callers who don't become clients call me rude. i say I am extremely clear, direct and I have expectations that I'd like to think aren't too high. The world runs on exchanging items.
Exchange money get merchandise.
Exchange a greeting, you may get one back or the person will look away.
I don't wear my hear on my sleeve, because lots of people can't handle gentleness or assertiveness.
Smiling in person is something I do a lot because I may never see the person again.
People who have been hurt fear being hurt again. I know I do. But I gotta make a living.
Repeatedly asking for answers is a good way to heal.
Insisting on gaining clarity can improve relationships. How do you do that?
1)Make an appointment for a conversation with your friend or foe
2) Check the facts you are given.
3) Ask yourself are you telling the whole truth to get the desired outcome or are you holding out because you're scared?
4) How do you want to influence the situation? Organize your thoughts by making a list. Do you want forgiveness? Do you another date? What do you need to do to get help and support?
5) Share that list in your next converastion. See #1.
There's no guarantee that you'll get your way. Going through these step will either by a confidence builder or lead to bone crushing defeat. If the latter happens it isn't completely your fault. It takes two to make a relationship work. When the other person's gut says it wont sooner than yours does, then walk away.
Your heart will heal. Mine did.
Experiences can make us afraid to try and fear rejection. I don't.
I've been in a hospital bed, i've been next to a bedside, I've had lost and I've overcome being excessively sheltered. I've also not been hired for a job.
Endurance takes savvy, courage and kindness. Callers who don't become clients call me rude. i say I am extremely clear, direct and I have expectations that I'd like to think aren't too high. The world runs on exchanging items.
Exchange money get merchandise.
Exchange a greeting, you may get one back or the person will look away.
I don't wear my hear on my sleeve, because lots of people can't handle gentleness or assertiveness.
Smiling in person is something I do a lot because I may never see the person again.
People who have been hurt fear being hurt again. I know I do. But I gotta make a living.
Repeatedly asking for answers is a good way to heal.
Insisting on gaining clarity can improve relationships. How do you do that?
1)Make an appointment for a conversation with your friend or foe
2) Check the facts you are given.
3) Ask yourself are you telling the whole truth to get the desired outcome or are you holding out because you're scared?
4) How do you want to influence the situation? Organize your thoughts by making a list. Do you want forgiveness? Do you another date? What do you need to do to get help and support?
5) Share that list in your next converastion. See #1.
There's no guarantee that you'll get your way. Going through these step will either by a confidence builder or lead to bone crushing defeat. If the latter happens it isn't completely your fault. It takes two to make a relationship work. When the other person's gut says it wont sooner than yours does, then walk away.
Your heart will heal. Mine did.