Sometime I arrive at the wrong conclusion. Usually going with the gut isn't wrong. Expressing why you go with your gut is optional. When someone doesn't like your decision there can be shock and hurt. However like Mary Poppins, explanations for why a decision was made is unnecessary. When other parties are involved maybe conversations can happen later to arrive at a compromise or alleviate disappointment.
If you want to learn empathy there is always more than one side. But if your bias is toward being overly cautious when encountering loud noise or a recording, the fight or flight may kick in that influences. Sometimes you may be to embarassed or uninterested to ask questions to arrive at a different conclusion. I will avoid this situation based on insufficient info or wrong info. When you see value in asking questions do so. Like who what where when why or ask for something to be repeated.
But if you know you got a bias toward authority and controlling people, you may be too scared and withdraw. I know I do. Sometimes if there's a choice between your safety or that of someone else. Choose you. To learn more about boundaries, call the number anywhere on this site.
If you want to learn empathy there is always more than one side. But if your bias is toward being overly cautious when encountering loud noise or a recording, the fight or flight may kick in that influences. Sometimes you may be to embarassed or uninterested to ask questions to arrive at a different conclusion. I will avoid this situation based on insufficient info or wrong info. When you see value in asking questions do so. Like who what where when why or ask for something to be repeated.
But if you know you got a bias toward authority and controlling people, you may be too scared and withdraw. I know I do. Sometimes if there's a choice between your safety or that of someone else. Choose you. To learn more about boundaries, call the number anywhere on this site.